Court Cases Tried By George B. Hadley

Contributed by: Christine Fuller

George B. Hadley JP

State of N.C. Mosley Hall Township
LaGrange,N.C. 12-14-1904

To Plato Collins,C-C. Lenoir Co.
    The following is a list of the criminal action tried before me and
finally disposed of since the last term of the superior court,held on
third Monday of Nov.-1904

State vs Trump Bird ,plantiff withdrew warrent and paid costs.

State vs Walter Farmer,defendent plead guilty of bigamy and was bound
over to next term of court under $200.00 bond.Failing to give bond was
committed to jail.

State vs Henry Newton,abandonment -papers sent to Sheriff Craven
serve.No returns.

State vs Charlie Jones and Zeb Jarman,defendants guilty of trespass and
fined $100.00 and costs.

I also send herewith the papers in the above cases.

signed Geo.B.Hadley JP
term expiring Dec.5,1904

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